by queenofdreams | Feb 23, 2021 | Hypnosis, Uncategorized
Hypnosis is an incredible tool. It can be used to accomplish all manner of things and its scope and potential should never be underestimated. As I regularly remind my clients, the only limit to what’s possible with hypnosis is your imagination. It’s a substantial claim, but one that I ceaselessly enjoy demonstrating.
Different people choose to explore hypnosis for different reasons. Some are curious about the trance experience in and of itself, whilst for others trance is a vehicle which they intend to utilise to explore other desires.
There is no right or wrong way to use/explore hypnosis, but for the purposes of this blog I am going to focus on the utilisation of hypnosis (yes I used an “s” and not a “z” – I’m British) for pleasure. Pleasure is, after all, a big draw for many (understandably) and it is also my specific area of expertise.
If you’ve paid careful attention to the homepage of my website you’ve probably noticed the tagline “I can make all your fantasies come true”. Many assume it’s simply a marketing ploy, but the reality is far more exciting. The reality is that I mean every word, as many of my clients have already discovered to their utter delight and after having successfully overcome their initial disbelief.
Pleasure is powerful. Inspirational. I’m sure you’ve felt that deep, intense craving for a particular kind of pleasure before, haven’t you? At times it sneaks up on you…at other times it speaks to a more enduring, aching longing…that need and desire for pleasure is always with us, and hypnosis offers a powerful means to fully explore the myriad of possibilities and opportunities that exist.
After all – pleasure means different things to different people. Yes, erotic pleasure is one very exquisite option, but there are others…the tranquil, blissful and serene sensation that comes with surrendering to trance (and is so often overlooked)…the pleasure that comes from being able to quieten an anxious mind and deeply relax a tense body…the options for indulgence are many and varied, as are the levels of intensity that can be explored and played with (ask me about my numbers triggers the next time you enjoy a session with me and you’ll see what I mean).
You can use hypnosis to explore familiar pleasures and discover new ones…to push boundaries and stretch your comfort zone and in doing so allow yourself to become open to a world of new possibilities. The anticipation and reward of new discoveries are in and of themselves pleasurable as well as the pleasure of the discoveries themselves.
Pleasure can be compounded in hypnosis…have you ever been able to explore what it feels like to enjoy multiple different yet simultaneous kinds of pleasure? Well, now you can. Now it can be your reality. Soft, gentle, intense, aching, decadent pleasure…all within your grasp when you trance. Who wouldn’t want that? Hmm?
But what if you’ve already tried to trance but struggled? Does this mean that you’re somehow cut off from the opportunity to indulge in the pleasures I have been talking about? Of course not! Many of my existing clients previously struggled to trance before they sought me out. Today they are my walking success stories and repeated proof that with the right guidance and understanding, almost anyone can achieve trance easily.
The key to success is finding a hypnotist whose style works well with your abilities (because you most certainly are able) and the willingness to invest in the opportunity. Some clients have found my mp3’s alone have worked for them, whereas for others success came after enjoying a live session with me. There is no right or wrong – only what works for you.
The journey toward exploring pleasure begins with a single step…take it.
My mp3 store:
Live sessions:
by queenofdreams | Apr 18, 2019 | Hypnosis, Uncategorized
The hypnosis experience can be a surprisingly intense one. Immersive in ways it can be difficult to comprehend until you’ve lived it. Experienced it first hand. Being in trance….feeling and embracing the possibilities is incredible and transformative but such pleasures and the expansiveness of the experience can also be overwhelming. Especially if you’re also including additional emotional elements such as submission and/or realisation of additional fantasies and desires.
Hypnosis can take you by surprise. Its effects can feel temporarily overwhelming and that’s okay. This is why I always encourage open and honest communication as well as engaging in trance with a hypnotist you trust. Being able to talk through your feelings and emotions openly and honestly, confident in receiving reassurance and support is very important.
Engaging with someone you trust and feel safe with is grounding. It can help you navigate and cope with what can feel like a very vulnerable situation. Your hypnotist should be an anchor. They should focus and ground you, offering a safe space to explore the infinite possibilities hypnosis offers. I appreciate the pull of the temptation to dive right in. To abandon yourself to the experience. To completely give yourself a favor, no holds barred. The potential is intoxicating. possibilities are alluring and addictive. Once your mind and body get a taste what hypnosis feels like, it’s like a gateway drug. You want more. You want to take the next step, to explore and discover and to drink in the new possibilities. That excitement and anticipation perfectly reasonable and understandable. I’ve been practicing hypnosis for years. I know exactly how potentially addictive cassia can be. How exciting the possibilities are, and how easy it is to crave more.
It’’s for these reasons but I always recommend researching, taking time understand who it is it will be playing with your mind encouraging your explorations, guiding you in what can be one of the most pleasurable experiences that you will ever enjoy. Because to be able to fully enjoy and appreciate the pleasure, you have to feel safe in the environment you’re exploring. This involves enabling and establishing a level of trust with the hypnotist you are working with, which in turn opens doors to even more incredible pleasure and possibility. Once you trust them, once you understand they have your best interest at heart, you’re able to let go and embrace the experience of hypnosis in an entirely new and Incredibly powerful way.
Establishing trust and communication means it in those moments when you feel overwhelmed, when things just become too much, you are secure in the knowledge that you can communicate any fears,worries or concerns these will be listened to and acknowledged by your hypnotist. they can reassure you, offer explanations and tailor your hypnotic experience to ensure that it is as beneficial and pleasurable as possible.
by queenofdreams | Aug 30, 2018 | Fetish, Hypnosis, Uncategorized
This may seem like a rather dry/boring topic to cover but it is a very important one. It’s very easy, especially if you’re new to the scene, to get caught up in the flurry of excitement and pleasure and lose track of how much you’re spending. You risk overspending/spending beyond your means and losing control of the experience which is really not something that you want.
I want to offer you some advice, support and suggestions to help you really make the most of your hypnosis experience so that it can be an enjoyable and sustainable pleasure in your life. Please note that I am not a qualified financial adviser. I am not offering formal advice – simply friendly suggestions.
If you already have a hypnotist in mind to work with, then you should know their pricing for the various services they offer (mp3s, videos, customs, phone sessions, skype sessions and/or in-person sessions depending on the hypnotist). If you don’t already have a hypnotist in mind then I would recommend starting by reading my blog post “How to select a suitable hypnotist” first, then returning to this blog post as a follow up.
Step 1: Set your budget
So – let’s say you have a hypnotist you enjoy and want to support. First step – what is your budget? This can either be a hard and fast limit, or relatively flexible. Though if you add in “flex”, also add a firm cap. Say your budget is 300 per month maximum for hypnosis (I’m plucking a random figure out of the air), but you feel you can “stretch” that, place an absolute cap – so 350. Unless you are incredibly disciplined, don’t assume you can “borrow” from your budget month to month…so you spend 400 one month and assume you can rein yourself in and spend 200 the next month to balance things out. That’s a dangerous path to go down and not one i would recommend.
It’s important that you are realistic with your budget and only budget what you can legitimately afford for what is ultimately an “entertainment” expense.
Step 2: Formalise your “wish list”
what works for you and what do you want? Do mp3’s work for you? Is that all you’re after? Or would you like a live session to help you improve your ability to trance? Do you want/need one session (or a handful) to achieve what you have in mind, or would you like to make live sessions a regular thing? You can always speak with your hypnotist/hypnoDomme to get their input and suggestions, but at the end of the day you’re compiling your wishlist.
Also factor in whether you expect to send tributes and if so, how much and how often. You may not be sure at this stage so it’s perfectly okay to take an educated guess. Your wish list is a work in progress and is flexible. At this stage we are looking to get a better idea of what you want so we can see if we can make it tally with your budget, which is the next step.
Step 3: Bringing together your wishlist and budget
Alright…so, first thing to do is tally up how much your “ideal” month costs. So could be purchase of three recordings, two one hour live sessions and a 150 tribute. Recordings will vary, so you can average them out…for the sake of this example let’s say the average 20 each. Live sessions cost 150 each. We decided earlier that our budget was 300 a month so already it’s obvious that we are way over.
That’s okay – it’s given us a starting point to work from. So we could drop to one, one hour live session and adjust the tribute and lower it to bring us in budget…or two live sessions and no recordings or tributes. There’s no right or wrong way to work this, and the formula may change month to month as well…it’s simply intended as a flexible way to help you maintain your budget.
Why is it so important to have a budget?
Basically because when you’re caught up in something new, fun and insanely pleasurable it’s very easy to get carried away. If you blow your budget in the first month, it may spook you and put you off hypnosis and if it doesn’t and you keep on spending without budgeting you risk overspending in the longer-term which will have its own negative consequences which we obviously want to avoid.
Budgets don’t have to be rigid – you know yourself and if you’re honest with yourself you’ll be able to calculate how much leeway is reasonable. But having the assurance of a budget that you stick to will be a weight off your mind as you don’t have to worry about the financial implications – you can relax and enjoy your trance experience without being distracted and that is priceless.
by queenofdreams | Aug 27, 2018 | Fetish, Hypnosis, Uncategorized
An incredibly important, yet often overlooked aspect to enjoying erotic hypnosis involves giving careful and (arguably more importantly) honest consideration to what exactly it is you want to get out of the experience.
You could be indulging in erotic hypnosis for any number of reasons – curiosity, indulging a fetish/kink, exploring submission. These are all perfectly reasonable and legitimate reasons. You may even not be sure yet exactly what it is you do want from the experience. That’s okay, too.
What is vitally important, however, is that you are honest with yourself and your hypnotist. Honesty gives you a more genuine experience and allows your hypnotist to better tailor your experience to what you want.
I cannot begin to tell you the number of times I have had clients tell me that their primary goal is submission – they want to submit to me and see hypnosis as a tool for deepening their submissive desires. Fantastic – except when it’s not what you actually want, and instead your genuine intention is to play out a particular fantasy or kink. Playing out a fantasy or indulging in a kink isn’t inherently wrong in any way (I can’t begin to emphasize this enough), but misleading your hypnotist is. It can lead to misunderstandings and potentially uncomfortable scenarios where the hypnotists suggestions don’t correlate with what you wanted. The hypnotist is working on the basis of you wanting to embrace genuine submission and you are working on the basis of playing out a specific fantasy you have.
Submission is just that – choosing to submit to the will/instruction of another individual who you trust and respect. Playing out a fantasy is selfish (and I don’t imply this in a negative way). You’re focusing on your own needs and desires rather than those of the person you are “submitting” to. Genuine submission is selfless – your satisfaction comes from serving and pleasing the person you have chosen to submit to.
We all deserve to have our needs met (assuming they’re legal/don’t harm others and all other common sense disclaimers that may apply), and personally speaking as long as you’re honest with me about what you want I am often happy to oblige. I am a big fan of pleasure and have built a career around making fantasies reality. It’s all good. Just don’t mislead me by telling me one thing when you mean/actually want something else as this kind of miscommunication can and does have consequences. It can make situations uncomfortable when we’re not both on the same page and neither of us want that, do we?
If you’re not entirely sure what you want – tell me. It’s okay. We can work it out together. Open, honest communication is absolutely essential to a healthy, fun and fulfilling experience. It may be that you think you want to embrace submission but after dipping your toe in the water you find that actually you’re more attracted to the kink aspect and you don’t like the commitment of genuine submission. Or perhaps you initially tell me that this is primarily a kink for you and then down the line you discover it’s become more and you really want to take things to the next level and genuinely submit and surrender to me and my control.
All these scenarios are fine as long as you are honest. I know I keep hammering on about this, but it is so vitally important. Honesty and communication are the foundations upon which a strong, healthy dynamic is built. I am primarily an erotic hypnotist – I also include Domme elements with some clients. This means I can adapt depending on what needs/desires you communicate to me.
Being honest with me and yourself will allow allow you to enjoy a more immersive, fulfilling experience. Take time. Think about what you want. Tell me. Simple!
What opinions do you have on this topic? Have you spent a lot of time really thinking about what it is you want? I want you to share your thoughts in the comments below.
by queenofdreams | May 5, 2018 | Hypnosis
It’s been an interesting journey for me, hypnosis. For years it was a hobby until after 2 years of persuasion, a good friend friend encouraged me to go pro. I’ve been doing hypnosis full time for around a year now and it’s been such an incredible experience. The freedom it’s given me – both in terms of creative expression and simply time (I set my own schedule) has been absolutely invaluable.
Whilst my primary focus has always been on the live Skype hypnosis sessions which I absolutely love (and which testimonials suggest are also loved by those who enjoy such sessions with me), I’ve also been building a catalogue of recordings. I wanted to share my top 5 mp3’s right now. My favorites change often depending on my moods, but these 5 recordings (offered in no particular order of preference) are the ones that currently make my little heart happy:
This recording will always hold a special place in my heart as it was the first mp3 I ever made. It’s deliciously dark…a seductive story that leads you on a journey of obedience and surrender…enthralls you with the power of submission. It’s a story that draws you in…nourishes and plays your desire to submit. I take you out for the evening…control you…and build the anticipation.
Down The Rabbit Hole
This is a confusion induction recording. Confusion inductions can be tricky to execute correctly – especially in recordings as you have no way of accurately gauging how the individual who is listening is responding. Still – I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge and I have to say I am really, really pleased with how this recording has turned out. It’s very effective but it’s also not too “hard” as some confusion inductions can be. It’s not intended to overwhelm and confuse in an uncomfortable way. It’s fun and ephemeral and whimsical…inviting you on a surreal journey loosely based on that of Alice in Wonderland. A really fun and unusual recording that I am very proud of.
Surrender & Obey
This was one of my first forays into the more direct dominant style which is typical of hypnoDommes. Generally my style is quieter…more seductive. But this time I wanted to explore my dominant side and let it out to play for a little while. “Surrender & Obey” was the result, and boy have you boys responded to it. It’s a consistently popular file and encouraged me to explore my darker, more directly dominant side more which led to…
This started out as an experiment. I wanted to push the limits of dominance and pleasure whilst still maintaining my boundaries. A direct, intense and dominant file, I’ve made sure there is absolutely no humiliation. That was very important to me. This recording took a long, long time to come together as I was pushing my own boundaries…discovering what was possible and how I could incorporate intense domination into my typically softer style and approach. But this recording, once finished, worked. And boy does it work! It’s probably one of my most popular recordings to date and I love that I get to completely unleash my inner Domme and remind you who is in control…moulding you to become my obedient fucktoy. It’s deep and intense and powerful.
If you know me then you know I love pleasure. I love encouraging people to enjoy and embrace pleasure. To discover new pleasure. To push the limits of pleasure…and that’s exactly what this recording does. Perfectly. You know what an orgasm is – well a mindgasm is the mental equivalent. Flooding your mind with waves of intense, orgasmic pleasure. I love this recording because it’s so pleasure focused and because it is so, so effective.
You can explore these recordings and more by checking out my MP3 and Video shop as well as listening to samples.
If you’ve enjoyed any of the above recordings I would love to hear your thoughts so please share your comments here.