I am always looking for new ways to improve.  I appreciate that purchasing mp3’s – especially from a new hypnotist – can be somewhat of a hit-and-miss experience so I wanted to offer you the opportunity to get a feel for recordings you’re interested in.  This way you can ensure that they appeal to you and that you will be able to fully enjoy and immerse yourself in the experience.

Right now this page is a work in progress, but new samples are being added all the time so make sure to check back regularly.  If you hear something you like, then take a look at my MP3 Store to get more information and purchase the recording.

To listen to an MP3 simply click on the title below and it will come up:

  1. Oblivion (sample) Queen of Dreams 1:07
  2. Anticipation (sample) queenofdreams 0:44
  3. The Descent (sample) Queen of Dreams 1:13
  4. The Dance (sample) Queen of Dreams 0:32
  5. Lady Jessica's Castle sample Queen of Dreams 1:11
  6. Surrender & Obey sample Queen of Dreams 0:57
  7. A Secret Fantasy sample queenofdreams 0:58
  8. Joy of Trance sample Lady Jessica 0:53
  9. A Journey of Surrender sample 0:35
  10. Mindless Obedience sample queenofdreams 0:35
  11. Odyssey sample Lady Jessica 1:44
  12. New Awakenings sample 0:33
  13. The Ecstacy of Surrender sample queenofdreams 0:35
  14. Xenagogue sample 1:44
  15. The Coin Toss sample Lady Jessica 2:38
  16. The Dryad sample Lady Jessica 0:56
  17. Positive Thoughtlessness sample Lady Jessica 0:35
  18. The Satin Journey sample Lady Jessica 1:10
  19. Down the Rabbit Hole sample Lady Jessica 0:32
  20. Mindgasm sample Lady Jessica 1:47
  21. HypnoAddict sample Lady Jessica 2:20
  22. Desire to Please sample Lady Jessica 1:48
  23. The Lady's Vassal sample Lady Jessica 5:22
  24. Nothing to Fear sample Lady Jessica 2:33
  25. Obedience is Pleasure sample Lady Jessica 2:19
  26. Symbiote sample Lady Jessica 1:45
  27. Stroke sample Lady Jessica 1:51
  28. Surrepititious Brainwashing sample Lady Jessica 0:57
  29. Spellbound sample Lady Jessica 1:28
  30. Hypnotic Wordplay sample 1:49
  31. Fucktoy sample Lady Jessica 1:32
  32. Focus sample Lady Jessica 0:51