
Breaking Free From Traditional Inductions

When learning or being introduced to hypnosis either as a hypnotist or subject, in all likelihood you’ll be introduced to what I refer to as “traditional” inductions/techniques/suggestions. These are commonly used inductions and techniques which are the “go-to” for...

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Challenging yourself as a hypnotist

Hypnotists should always be learning. We should always be exploring and adapting and challenging assumptions. There are always new insights to understand and techniques to be applied.  The moment you decide as a hypnotist that you know it all, you've failed. You've...

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Making The Most Of Your Hypnotic Experience

Trance is fun. A lot of fun.  As it should be.  Embracing trance opens doors to all sorts of amazing possibilities that would perhaps otherwise elude you.  The sheer amount of opportunities hypnosis offers is awe inducing, yet many people fail to capitalise on this....

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Achieving Amnesia With Hypnosis

Amnesia effects and/or triggers are something that I am asked for on a regular basis. It’s the ultimate convincer that hypnosis has worked - that trance was effective. Plus, for those who are interested in submission and surrender it adds the additional element of...

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I’m back in the UK!

So - due to the unprecedented issues relating to the COVID-19 virus, I am back in the UK earlier than anticipated. I had to plan moving my entire life from one continent to another in 3 days and it's been exceedingly stressful and expensive. I am working on getting my...

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Exciting New Experiment

I am always looking for ways to improve my website and your experience. To that end, I've decided to try a new experiment for a's a loyalty points/reward system. Basically, once you have registed with my site (I appreciate most of you will already be...

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How Long Do Triggers Last?

This is somewhat of a “how long is a piece of string?” question as there are many factors that can affect how long the effects of a trigger last. Some of these can include: The skill of the hypnotist who implants the trigger The willingness of the subject to accept...

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How Effective is Text Hypnosis?

There are countless ways to hypnotise someone - in person, over the phone, live video (like Skype)...and then there is hypnosis over text. Many people seem to be especially suspicious of text hypnosis and I regularly get asked if it is effective. Now you have your...

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Bring on 2020

2019 was an interesting year for me. I've continued to grow and develop my hypnosis business; continued to cement my reputation as a specialist in working with analytical people and those who have struggled to trance and have enjoyed countless wonderful live sessions...

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Samhain – Celtic Halloween

Samhain/Halloween is upon us and I thought I would celebrate by recording and sharing with you an incredible poem by Annie Finch. All copyright of the poem belongs to Annie - I take no credit for it. I've simply recorded the poem as I love how it flows and how the...

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Why Stage Hypnosis Is Like Porn

We've all seen those stage hypnosis shows where people seem to be tranced instantly and deeply with just a single word and made to do all sorts of weird and wonderful things. Looks impressive, doesn't it? Of course, what they don't tell you is that the subjects are...

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September Goals

So...this blog post references my personal goals for September (And to some extent beyond) but feel free to take the idea and run with it yourselves - consider what goals you have and how you plan to implement them. As for me...I've been musing over my goals for a few...

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A little update (of sorts)…

I know I have been super quiet the last week or two. I don't want to go into a whole lot of detail as it is personal (health reasons) and honestly not all that interesting, but I also don't want you to think that I have forgotten about you. I love hypnosis. I love...

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Conversational Hypnosis

I’ve previously written about a variety of hypnosis techniques and a few people asked me why I didn’t include conversational hypnosis in that particular blog post.  The reason is simple - I wanted to give conversational hypnosis a blog post all of its own in...

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Submission Is A Gift

Interpretations of dynamics and meanings can be rather fluid in the context of kink.  Necessity of consent and awareness of what one is consenting to is held up as one of the “golden rules”, but I’ve found that understanding of the Dominant and submissive dynamics can...

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Yes, Hypnosis is Real

I think I sort of take it for granted sometimes that hypnosis is real, genuine and effective.  Because I work with it every day and see the effects first hand to me it’s simply a given. I love what I do, but I’m also aware that complacency can be an easy trap to fall...

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