This may seem like a rather dry/boring topic to cover but it is a very important one.  It’s very easy, especially if you’re new to the scene, to get caught up in the flurry of excitement and pleasure and lose track of how much you’re spending.  You risk overspending/spending beyond your means and losing control of the experience which is really not something that you want.

I want to offer you some advice, support and suggestions to help you really make the most of your hypnosis experience so that it can be an enjoyable and sustainable pleasure in your life.  Please note that I am not a qualified financial adviser.  I am not offering formal advice – simply friendly suggestions.

If you already have a hypnotist in mind to work with, then you should know their pricing for the various services they offer (mp3s, videos, customs, phone sessions, skype sessions and/or in-person sessions depending on the hypnotist).  If you don’t already have a hypnotist in mind then I would recommend starting by reading my blog post “How to select a suitable hypnotist” first, then returning to this blog post as a follow up.

Step 1: Set your budget

So – let’s say you have a hypnotist you enjoy and want to support.  First step – what is your budget? This can either be a hard and fast limit, or relatively flexible. Though if you add in “flex”, also add a firm cap. Say your budget is 300 per month maximum for hypnosis (I’m plucking a random figure out of the air), but you feel you can “stretch” that, place an absolute cap – so 350.  Unless you are incredibly disciplined, don’t assume you can “borrow” from your budget month to month…so you spend 400 one month and assume you can rein yourself in and spend 200 the next month to balance things out. That’s a dangerous path to go down and not one i would recommend.

It’s important that you are realistic with your budget and only budget what you can legitimately afford for what is ultimately an “entertainment” expense.

Step 2: Formalise your “wish list”

what works for you and what do you want?  Do mp3’s work for you? Is that all you’re after? Or would you like a live session to help you improve your ability to trance?  Do you want/need one session (or a handful) to achieve what you have in mind, or would you like to make live sessions a regular thing?  You can always speak with your hypnotist/hypnoDomme to get their input and suggestions, but at the end of the day you’re compiling your wishlist.

Also factor in whether you expect to send tributes and if so, how much and how often.  You may not be sure at this stage so it’s perfectly okay to take an educated guess. Your wish list is a work in progress and is flexible.  At this stage we are looking to get a better idea of what you want so we can see if we can make it tally with your budget, which is the next step.

Step 3: Bringing together your wishlist and budget

Alright…so, first thing to do is tally up how much your “ideal” month costs. So could be purchase of three recordings, two one hour live sessions and a 150 tribute. Recordings will vary, so you can average them out…for the sake of this example let’s say the average 20 each. Live sessions cost 150 each.  We decided earlier that our budget was 300 a month so already it’s obvious that we are way over.

That’s okay – it’s given us a starting point to work from.  So we could drop to one, one hour live session and adjust the tribute and lower it to bring us in budget…or two live sessions and no recordings or tributes. There’s no right or wrong way to work this, and the formula may change month to month as well…it’s simply intended as a flexible way to help you maintain your budget.

Why is it so important to have a budget?

Basically because when you’re caught up in something new, fun and insanely pleasurable it’s very easy to get carried away. If you blow your budget in the first month, it may spook you and put you off hypnosis and if it doesn’t and you keep on spending without budgeting you risk overspending in the longer-term which will have its own negative consequences which we obviously want to avoid.

Budgets don’t have to be rigid – you know yourself and if you’re honest with yourself you’ll be able to calculate how much leeway is reasonable. But having the assurance of a budget that you stick to will be a weight off your mind as you don’t have to worry about the financial implications – you can relax and enjoy your trance experience without being distracted and that is priceless.