I absolutely love what I do (hypnosis) and wanted to share some highlights of fun/memorable sessions. This story is part of a series where I recount some fun/memorable hypnosis sessions I have enjoyed over the years. All client identities are kept 100% anonymous.
I get a lot of skeptics trying to tell me that hypnosis isn’t real – that it doesn’t work. Some, despite their skepticism are still curious, however and to those people I say that being skeptical is fine. There’s nothing wrong with healthy skepticism. But hypnosis isn’t magic (though it seems magical at times). You don’t need to believe in it for it to work. I can trance you whether you believe in hypnosis and its effectiveness or not.
One time, years ago and before I became a professional I got chatting to a gentleman (I can’t recall how – this was quite a few years ago!) and he expressed that he was interested in the concept of hypnosis but skeptical that it would actually work. I agreed to trance him and to cut a very long story short despite his skepticism he dropped like a stone and turned out to be an excellent trance subject.
I brought him out of trance and congratulated him on being such a great trance subject. He responded by giving me a blank look. Turns out he had been such a good subject and tranced so deeply that he had zero recollection of the experience. Complete amnesia. He genuinely thought I was making it all up. I was rather amused which seemed to annoy him even more.
I then had a moment of (rather unethical) inspiration and told him I had thought of a way to prove to him that he had experienced trance. He agreed without me explaining how the situation would play out (skepticism emboldened him, I guess?). So – I tranced him again, and whilst he was in trance I had him remove all his clothing (this was in a private setting, obviously), fold it neatly and place it beside him. Whilst remaining deep in trance he complied.
Once he’d done this I brought him out of trance. I think initially he was confused as he appreciated something was different but hadn’t cottoned on to exactly what this was. I don’t think the mischievous smile I had on my face helped, either. A few seconds later it eventually dawned on him and his eyes went wide. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Haha.
After that experience needless to say he was no longer skeptical. It was a lot of fun, but my ethics have also evolved a lot since those early days and now I am not sure if I would be as reckless. But it ended well – he enjoyed himself and left a believer.
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