Can I just start by saying how much I absolutely love working with people who are sceptical
of hypnosis. I’m not kidding – it is so rewarding being able to see people who came to me as
sceptics embrace the empirical evidence that tells them that they have just experienced
something that perhaps only an hour before they thought was impossible. To see for
themselves the positive changes and to be incredulous at the newly discovered possibilities.

One of my favorite things about hypnosis is that you don’t have to “believe” in it to work. It’s
not like a religion – you don’t have to have faith. All you need is an open mind – and
sometimes not even that. Because hypnosis is a natural state which just about everyone
has experienced to varying degrees – whether they realise it or not (ever driven on auto-pilot
and arrived at your destination without being fully aware of how you got there?) – my job as a
hypnotist is not to “do” anything to you. All I need to do is teach you how to capitalise on
skill you already posses. If you’re open to learning a new skill then the rest is easy.

The easiest people to impress are those that doubt hypnosis exists at all – give them simple
instructions to follow and if they do they can see and experience first-hand evidence that
they are capable of enjoying hypnosis. Slightly more difficult are those who have attempted
and struggled. I had a case recently with someone who told me that various people had
tried to hypnotise them before without success. They had come to the conclusion that it
could not be done. An hour later, the same person emerged from a deep trance with a big
smile on their face. My secret? Tailoring the experience to suit the individual. Because this
person had been so convinced that they were incapable of enjoying hypnosis, the resultant
experience of it was, for them, even more profound.

Sceptics have everything to gain and nothing to lose by enjoying hypnosis. You don’t need
to believe it will work – as long as you’re capable of following simple instructions you can see
for yourself first-hand the results. You get to experience something totally unique and can
utilise the experience to make positive and long-lasting changes in your life.
If you are curious and would like to know more, drop me an email today at