I am always looking for ways to improve my website and your experience. To that end, I’ve decided to try a new experiment for a month…it’s a loyalty points/reward system.

Basically, once you have registed with my site (I appreciate most of you will already be registered in which case no need to re-register) you have the opportunity to earn loyalty points by completing various tasks (e.g. leaving reviews, commenting on blog posts, making purchases, etc). The more points you earn, the more rewards you get.

Rewards include special badges for your account as well as potential discounts on future orders.

I’ve also included a “level up” membership connected to the points system. There are 3 levels at present – bronze, gold and silver. Each time you “level up” you’re rewarded with a permanent % discount on future purchases on my site.

I am trialling the software for 30 days to decide whether it is worth investing in. Whether this project will continue beyond 30 days depends on you. Like it? Want to keep it? Then use it and give me feedback!

Remember and let me know what you think. I’m open to ideas for improvements such as more badges/different rewards.