I love words. I love how they can be blended and woven into hypnotic tapesteries. I love how they can be used to conjour magical visions and sensations and experiences.  I have touched on this with two free recordings to date Power of Words and Power of Words 2 but now I wanted to take things a step further and focus on celebrating and enjoying specific, unusual words which elicit sensual and pleasurable responses. I wanted to play and have fun with them…a literary hypnotic dance.

To that end I have developed three (to date) special recordings. Each focused on a different, unusual word specifically chosen to entrance and enthrall. The first recording to be released is Eutony, but for those of you who simply cannot wait I have also released an advanced bundle of all three recordings (Eutony, Logolepsy and Orphic) with a discount for purchasing all 3 (each recording separately will retail for $9.99 whereas the bundle is $27).

I sincerely hope you enjoy these sensual hypnotic literary explorations and very much look forward to hearing your feedback.