I am a firm believer that analytical people make some of the best hypnosis subjects. I completely dispute the frustratingly pervasive assumption peddled by far too many hypnotists that analytical people are “bad” or “difficult” subjects because in my (many years of) experience this simply isn’t true.
I have had the pleasure of hypnotizing countless people and nothing brings me more joy than working with an analytical subject because right from the get-go I know that they are going to be amazing to work with.
How do I know this? Because analytical people are blessed with an incredible, often untapped and underappreciated gift. Their gift is that which far too many hypnotists incorrectly malign – the ability to analyse.
I don’t know how, when or where the assumption arose that analysing one’s trance experience is a negative thing and not to be encouraged but I do know that it’s utter nonsense. Yes, many people respond well to being told to “relax and not think”. It gives them permission to switch their mind off and focus on what the hypnotist is saying.
But that technique isn’t a catch all. It doesn’t work for everyone. If you’re analytical, being told to “relax and not think” often leads to the opposite effects (am I relaxed enough? How do I not think? I’m thinking about not thinking! type thoughts). This in turn leads to distraction and frustration and the (totally wrong) assumption that trance is at best difficult and at worst impossible for analytical people.
But what would happen if the subject was given permission to analyse? To be told that it is okay to explore and think about their trance experience as they are experiencing it? What if the hypnotist could gently guide the subject’s focus without imposing rigid rules around relaxation and not thinking? What if a more flexible approach was encouraged and more appropriate support offered to the subject by the hypnotist?
Well, I can tell you from my own experience (and I have chosen to specialise in working with analytical and so-called “difficult” subjects so that should tell you something) that this is when the magic happens.
Giving the subject permission to leverage their analytical abilities and appreciate them for the gift they are rather than a problematic hindrance transforms the hypnotic trance experience from one of stress and worry (will I be able to trance? Is it working? Am I doing it right?) To one of confidence, positivity and self-assurance (Yes, I notice that. Yes, I feel how that sensation has evolved, etc).
By allowing a subject to utilise their innate analytical gifts, and appropriately supporting them in doing so, they (the subject) are able to engage more deeply with the hypnosis experience. The result is that they trance faster and deeper than the average person. Because they are able to self-verify more quickly than the average person how their trance is evolving, they progress at a faster pace and enjoy a more profound hypnotic trance experience.
This is how the magic happens – encourage a subject to utilise and engage with the tools and gifts they already possess rather than trying to suppress them and they come alive. I have seen it time and time again, and the more they experience this, the more confident in themselves and their abilities they become and the more effective the trance experience becomes.
Success is often contingent on the support of an experienced hypnotist with experience of supporting analytical people which is why I constantly recommend people do their research, but the ability itself of a person to achieve trance does not lie with the hypnotist – it lies with the subject. The hypnotist’s job is simply to guide and support the subject and allow them to achieve their true potential.
I promise you – if you are analytical, you are a gifted hypnosis subject. If you’ve struggled to succeed so far that is not your fault in any way, shape or form. Different people learn in different ways. Once you find a method that works for you, you will be able to achieve things you never even imagined.
So – now you’re aware of the potential that lies inside of you, how do you get started?
I typically recommend live sessions over mp3s initially as in my experience this is a good way to lay the groundwork, create a solid base to build upon and allows the hypnotist to tailor the experience specifically to you. Some hypnotists offer in-person sessions whilst others, such as myself, offer remote video sessions (see my Live Sessions page for more information). I don’t believe that one is better than the other – if anything video sessions offer more flexibility and choice as you don’t have to travel, plus are just as effective as in person sessions. Ultimately, it comes down to what you’re comfortable with and what the hypnotist you’ve chosen to work with offers.
Remember – You need invest in yourself and appreciate your worth. Take your time, find a hypnotist whose style works for you and enjoy the journey!
i love your post as i have had quite a few analytical people come to see me recently and always tried conufusion or a rapid and stuggled , would you be able to give me a few tips at all please as wouldreally appreciate it
If not fully understand
Many thanks
Best wsihes