2018 is finally here…a new year with new opportunities and no doubt obstacles to overcome. I must admit I’ve been pretty introspective the last few weeks, thinking about what I’ve achieved already and what I want to achieve moving forward. It’s coming up for 2 years since I officially started doing hypnosis professionally (although the first year was part time) and I’ll be honest – it’s been one hell of a journey.
I told myself from the outset that if I was going to pursue hypnosis I was going to do it my way, on my own terms. I’ve been very lucky in that I have been able to hold true to my ideals – to pursue something I love without having to excessively compromise. To be able to be myself and not worry about putting on a fictional persona, constantly having to think about if I am “in character”. I get to do what I want, how I want it. But that has come with sacrifices and I’d be stupid not to acknowledge that.
If I had marketed myself as a “traditional” hypnoDomme I have no doubt that I would have gained more traction. A lot of clients do have expectations of fulfilling a fantasy – to them, the integrity of the personality delivering the fantasy may not be important, or perhaps as I’ve commonly found they’re expecting a traditional FemDomme experience which also incorporates hypnosis. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. I cannot emphasize that enough. But because I do not neatly fit into a category of what is already a niche area it’s made things that little bit more tricky. Yes, I do incorporate some Domme elements into hypnosis sessions with some clients but I don’t primarily identify as a Domme. I’m happy to experiment and push boundaries (my new recording “FuckToy” is one example of that) but my main focus has always been erotic hypnosis – using hypnosis for pleasure. Those of you who know me know that I am a big fan of pleasure and hypnosis is a fantastic tool for exploring its possibilities.
I also love Skype sessions. I’m developing a reputation for being somewhat of an over enthusiastic geek when it comes to hypnosis, but I can live with that. I’m passionate about what I do and I’m not ashamed of that. It brings me such joy to watch people who’ve held an interest in hypnosis for so long and yet struggled to trance enjoy their first experience…to watch them unlock their potential and slip so deeply and easily into trance…to see their happiness and excitement when they realise what’s happened and then respond instantly and powerfully to post-hypnotic triggers. Also watching clients evolve…not everyone learns in the same way or at the same pace and I for one enjoy the journey…seeing the evolution of their experience and capabilities.
I am so grateful to those of you who sought me out and support me. Without your generosity I wouldn’t be able to spend time indulging in hypnosis – something I love doing so much. Every recording and/or Skype session you buy, every testimonial you leave, every recommendation you make to others…it all helps more than you will ever know. I do what I can to give back to the hypno community with free recordings and advice to those who are new to the scene but the more financial support I have from you guys, the more time I have to invest in hypnosis – plus you get a wonderful session and/or recording to enjoy so it’s a win-win.
Gifts are another unexpected perk of what I do. Starting out, for the longest time I had people asking me when I was going to publish a wish list. For a long time I resisted as I wanted to take time to get my head round the ethical implications (ethics are of immense importance to me). Eventually I relented and published a wish list and have been overwhelmed by the generosity you guys (and girls) have shown. Gifts are never expected but it makes my little heart happy to see that all the effort and passion I put into what I do is recognised and appreciated.
It’s been one hell of a journey so far…I’ve learned a lot and continue to learn more every day. I am blessed with the friendships I enjoy with many of my regular clients and relish the challenges and opportunities new clients bring. When someone says to me nervously that they’re not expecting much as they’ve struggled before they often look confused when my eyes light up and I get excited. It’s because I know that the odds are that I can help them. Obviously nothing in life (bar death and taxes) is guaranteed but although I’ve lost track of the number of people I’ve hypnotised over the years, I’d say my success rate is probably still in the 97-99% range which means I can afford to be pretty confident.
I’m hoping that my business will continue to grow and flourish. It hasn’t been without its setbacks so far (poor financial advice from accountant means my annual tax bill is double what I’d budgeted for. ouch!) but I remain positive. I’d love the opportunity to be able to travel more this year…to visit friends and to explore. WIth your support I can do that. And in return you get to enjoy a powerful, pleasurable hypnotic experience. Win-win I say!