I’ve previously written about a variety of hypnosis techniques and a few people asked me why I didn’t include conversational hypnosis in that particular blog post. The reason is simple – I wanted to give conversational hypnosis a blog post all of its own in recognition of how much I utilise it.
I pride myself on tailoring my approach to the individual subject I am working with, but by and large conversational hypnosis is the technique I choose to use as a base/starting point. But why? Why out of all of the possible options for induction techniques do I return time and time again to conversational hypnosis?
As it turns out, there are all sorts of very good reasons:
- Conversational inductions make for a good ice breaker. It’s a nice way to allow the subject to calm any nerves and the transition from conversation to induction is a smooth and seamless one that can begin whenever the subject is ready – there’s no need to rush.
- It offers the opportunity to ask questions and get to know each other. I, as the hypnotist, can find out more about you, how your mind works, what techniques are likely to be effective in achieving results and also what it is you want to get out of hypnosis – your goals and desires. Also allows for the subject to ask any questions they have so they can understand the process, what to expect, correct any misconceptions and generally feel more comfortable and at ease. Conversations allow both sides to establish a rapport which in turn allows for a more comfortable and enjoyable trance experience.
- Conversational inductions are flexible and adaptable – it provides me with a solid foundation that I can then build upon and adjust/respond to as required. I can freely introduce and amend techniques without being tied in to using a singular technique. What this means is that where many hypnotists use a specific induction they’re comfortable with and try and make the subject conform to the expectations of their chosen induction, I do things the other way around. When I am hypnotising a subject my focus is what techniques I can use to support my subject achieve what they want. I’m not trying to force a square peg into a round hole. Any analytical subjects who’ve tried to trance to common inductions such as progressive relaxation should know what I mean – many times such inductions don’t suit analytical subjects but hypnotists persist with them and blame the subject for being “bad” at trancing rather than acknowledging that the limitation is theirs. Use the right induction that is tailored specifically to the individual and responsive to their needs and you’ll find that analytical people make *amazing* trance subjects.
- Following on from the above point, conversational inductions allow me to express my creativity and be responsive to the subject. It encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and focus on meeting my subjects needs to achieve an effective trance rather than assuming they will conform/respond to what I am comfortable with. I get to make every session unique and tailor it specifically to the individual I am working with. I offer a bespoke service which encourages me to dig deep into my “hypnotic toolbox” as well as spontaneously develop new tools and techniques on the spot. This has proved to be very effective and I like to think that this is reflected in the satisfaction of my clients and the success I’ve enjoyed in trancing analytical people as well as those who have previously struggled to trance.
- This type of induction works very well for analytical people because it’s not boring or predictable. It’s engaging and relaxed. It allows your conscious mind to focus on and enjoy the conversation whilst your subconscious continues to get the ball rolling on trance and when the time is right the transition into trance becomes seamless.
- Conversational inductions flow well…done correctly there is a seamless transition between conversation and trance. You can proceed at whatever pace you need to and this reduces pressure on the subject as there’s no need to rush.
- Finally, I love the challenge. Doing conversational inductions well requires a significant amount of expertise. Because of its lack of inherent structure you have to really understand and appreciate the underlying principles of hypnosis and how these can effectively be applied. You don’t have the support/structure of the more standard inductions so you have to rely on and be confident in yourself and your capabilities. I like to think of it as an art form. Trance for me isn’t formulaic – I don’t follow set steps with a view to achieving results. I get creative and let the joy and passion I have for hypnosis and what I do shine through. I pride myself on the quality of the service I offer and always smile when subjects are taken by surprise at just how effective conversational hypnosis can be…they find themselves in trance before they even realised what was happening and the happiness on their face once they appreciate what they’ve achieved is priceless.
Hopefully you’ve found this insight into why I am such a passionate advocate for conversational hypnosis and why I find it to be such a useful tool. I don’t believe it’s the be-all-and-end-all of trance, but it makes for an excellent foundation and springboard to build the experience on.
I would love to hear your thoughts, experiences, questions, etc so please do share them below in the comments section.