Breaking Free From Traditional Inductions

When learning or being introduced to hypnosis either as a hypnotist or subject, in all likelihood you’ll be introduced to what I refer to as “traditional” inductions/techniques/suggestions. These are commonly used inductions and techniques which are the “go-to” for the majority of hypnotist and tend to include:

  • Visualisation techniques (encouraging the subject to visualise specific items or situations, such as walking along a beach or allowing them to visualise a space of their own creation (though typically it’s the hypnotist who dictates the contents of the visualisation)).
  • Countdowns (typically used to deepen or lighten a trance these can be incorporated into visualisation techniques – for instance suggesting the subject walk down a staircase – or can be used standalone – e.g. “I am going to count from 1 to 10 and with every number you hear me say you’ll find yourself going deeper into trance. Once I reach the number 10, you’ll find yourself deep in trance”.  The reverse can be used to count someone out of trance.
  • Suggesting the subject relax/try to not think of anything (this one seems pretty self explanatory).

The above list is obviously not intended to be an exhaustive list of traditional/typical hypnosis inductions,techniques and suggestions.  Rather its intention is to give a flavour of some of the most commonly used.

Most hypnotists incorporate these techniques and suggestions into scripts which are relayed to the client.  The “bottom of the barrel” hypnotists will literally sit and read off a pre-written script to their client.  I would highly recommend avoiding any hypnotist that utilises this approach as it shows a complete lack of effort, understanding and engagement.  There’s no room for flexibility or adaptation to the needs of the client.

Thankfully such hypnotists are rare and most professional hypnotists will have memorised scripts which include the above or similar techniques.  The benefits of having a script memorised are that you can pay more attention to your client and how well they are responding to the inductions, techniques and suggestions that you are using.

There are still potential drawbacks to this approach, however. For instance what if the client does not respond to the techniques you’ve chosen to use?  What’s your fallback?  Another common technique? What if that also doesn’t work?  By relying heavily on traditional hypnotic methods you’re not only limiting yourself as a hypnotist but also potentially your clients ability to successfully enjoy trance.

I’m not saying this with the intention of scaring anyone.  In many cases traditional inductions work very well – which is why they keep being taught.  The issue I am trying to highlight is that traditional hypnosis techniques do not work for everyone. So, what’s your plan when you have a client for whom traditional inductions aren’t effective?  In an ideal world the hypnotist would know before hypnotising their subject that traditional inductions aren’t likely to be effective (discerning this is outside the scope of this particular post as the topic itself deserves a whole blog post of its own) but the information I’m going to share can also be applied if you’ve tried (or been on the receiving end of) a more traditional approach and it hasn’t been effective.

So – you’ve discovered (either as a hypnotist or subject) that traditional hypnosis techniques don’t work for you.  What next?  Is all hope lost?  Is the subject incapable of achieving trance?

It’s okay!  All hope is not lost and I can assure you that an inability to trance using traditional hypnotic techniques does not make the subject bad or incapable.  How do I know?  Many, many, many years of successful experience with hypnosis.

The first step is realising that you are not bound by traditional hypnotic techniques.  They are not chains that you are incapable of breaking free from.  They’re tools. Often very useful tools but any good artisan knows that your toolbox can (and should) be expanded as you learn and discover more.  A hypnotist is on a journey just as much as their subject.  With every interaction we learn, discover and should be experimenting.  Failure is not a dirty word.  Mistakes are going to happen. That’s inevitable.  What matters is how you respond to them.  You can choose to either:

  1.  Blame the subject and say that the traditional techniques worked for other people so should have worked for them – the fact it didn’t means they’re obviously a bad subject (which, just to be clear, is utterly the wrong approach to take)


  1. Recognise that different people process and understand information in different ways and that there is not one single technique that will successfully work with 100% of people.

Let’s assume you choose the second option.  Understanding that no single technique is going to work on everyone is a good start but how do you practically apply that to hypnosis?

The answer is actually pretty simple.  Learn, understand and get curious and creative.  Teach yourself the mechanisms of why traditional hypnosis techniques work.  Understand why they are effective.  Next get curious about why these techniques don’t work on certain people.  What are the common denominators?  Once you have a handle on what types of people traditional inductions work well for and what types would likely do better with other techniques, get curious about what has been holding back such people and how you can evolve new techniques to address that.  If you have an understanding of the basic underlying principles of hypnosis and how it works (again, too big of an issue to address in this particular blog post) then you have the basic tools you need to get creative about discovering other options.

For instance through working extensively with analytical people I’ve learned that many traditional techniques simply aren’t effective. It doesn’t make analytical people bad hypnosis subjects (far from it). It simply meant that I had to figure out what didn’t work for them (e.g. being told to “relax and not think about anything” is akin to saying “try not to think of a pink elephant” to an analytical person.  It achieves the opposite of the intended result and isn’t helpful.  Ok – so, now I know that what do I do?  I experiment and discover what does work.  For instance utilising their analytical abilities instead of trying to suppress them.  That’s good but it doesn’t end there.  I know I want to use their analytical abilities but how? How do I do that?  Figuring that out is the next step…and so on and so forth until you have workable solutions that you can utilise to effectively trance analytical people.

Learning and understanding at this level doesn’t come easily.  It requires tenacity, a desire to learn and understand and a recognition that if things don’t work out the way you wanted it doesn’t mean you’ve failed.  Quite the opposite – you’re learning what doesn’t work, which is actually really valuable information.  You’ve only failed if you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Teaching yourself how hypnosis works, rather than simply relying on common techniques is incredibly liberating and definitely makes for a better hypnotist.  It opens doors to more opportunities, greater flexibility and adaptability and ultimately more success.  You’re no longer bound by specific scripts or techniques.  Through learning and experimenting you’re ultimately increasing your odds of success with all types of clients. You’ll feel more confident and secure and less flustered if things don’t go to plan or the client doesn’t respond the way you expect because you’ve expanded your hypnotic toolbox to such a degree that if one technique doesn’t work you have plenty more to choose from.

You can and will develop your own unique style and as your confidence and ability grows, so will your success.  The same applies to subjects.  They will feel more comfortable with you and will enjoy much more success with engaging with trance.

When you are not bound or held back by set techniques and develop the confidence to adapt them to your own (and your clients) needs and even develop your own techniques you’ll discover a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities.  Allow yourself to break free from traditional inductions – use them when they suit you (and your client) instead of being beholden or overly reliant on them.  You owe that much to yourself and your client – to be the best you possibly can be.

Making The Most Of Your Hypnotic Experience

Trance is fun. A lot of fun.  As it should be.  Embracing trance opens doors to all sorts of amazing possibilities that would perhaps otherwise elude you.  The sheer amount of opportunities hypnosis offers is awe inducing, yet many people fail to capitalise on this.

But why?

There could be any number of reasons for instance (and not intended to be an exhaustive list):

  • The subject has struggled to achieve trance so their total focus is one achieving the one thing that has eluded them. They’re so focused on simply being able to achieve trance that they forget all the other amazing opportunities that exist.
  • The hypnotist hasn’t explained the sheer scale of possibilities that are available. I’ve found oftentimes clients need some ideas if only to use as a springboard/fire up their imagination.
  • The subject doesn’t believe that they’re capable of achieving what they want so are reluctant to ask for it.


All of the above issues can be overcome. As a subject you can help yourself by:

  • Taking your time and researching different hypnotists. Check their experience, whether you like their style and seek out testimonials from other clients. Research is boring but it will pay dividends later.
  • Having faith in yourself and what you’re capable of. Just because you may have previously struggled to trance, it does not in any way, shape or form mean that you are incapable or somehow a “bad” subject.  I really cannot emphasize this enough.  Take your time and find the right hypnotist for you.  I promise you it will be like finding the right key to unlock your mind, and when that happens you’ll be amazed by what you’re capable of accomplishing!
  • Asking questions. Lots and lots of questions. It’s often best to think these through/prepare them in advance so you’re not worrying about it in the moment, but also if you’re having a chat with a hypnotist, take notes and if something they say makes you think of other questions, don’t be afraid to ask those as well.  The more you know, the more empowered you will be and the more comfortable you will feel.  You’ll feel more at ease and have a much better insight into what’s possible.
    • Added to note: It is important to make sure that you compensate the hypnotist for their time – we are professionals after all.  Asking one or two simple questions over email shouldn’t be a problem, but anything more in depth ask them if they offer consultations (e.g. I offer a 15 min consultation for exactly this reason) or if there is another preferred way that you can compensate them for their time/expertise.


Yes, in an ideal world your hypnotist will engage you with a good, well thought out pre-talk that includes managing expectations of what the trance experience itself is like, as well as the possibilities trance offers however life is not always perfect, so it makes sense to take matters into your own hands (to a degree at least), and the best way to do this is research.

If you go into your first session with at least a basic understanding of what to expect in terms of what going into trance feels like, as well as an idea of what you can expect to achieve in or through trance then you will be gifting yourself a much more positive, productive experience.

You don’t have to have a hundred questions ready to go. No one is expecting you to know what you don’t know, but having a few well thought out questions to kick start your experience will be really useful and help you to make the most of your hypnotic experience.

Some potential suggestions for questions and things to consider are (please don’t take this to be a comprehensive list – it’s simply a springboard for you to fire up your mind and get you thinking):

  • If you’ve previously struggled to trance previously, do you have any insight into why this may be?
  • What does it actually feel like to go into trance and be in trance?  If you’ve struggled/not yet achieved trance or are wondering if you have actually achieved trance but aren’t sure then it may be you have unknowing misconceptions or erroneous expectations regarding what to expect and how the experience should feel/what you’ll experience.  Talking things through with an experienced hypnotist can be really useful in such situations.
  • If you could achieve and/or experience anything with hypnosis, what would it be?  Create a wish list.  Don’t worry about whether it’s possible or not – allow your imagination to run wild and have fun with the list.


I hope you’ve found this blog post useful.  If you have any questions, comments, etc please feel free to leave them below.

If you’re curious about enjoying a live hypnosis session with me over Skype, you can find everything you need to know on my “Live Sessions” page.

The Power Of Erotic Hypnosis: Exploring the Pleasure and Sensuality of Trance states

Erotic hypnosis is a powerful tool for exploring and enhancing sexual pleasure and sensuality. By inducing a trance state, hypnotists can guide individuals through a range of experiences, from deep relaxation and meditation to intense arousal and orgasmic release. In this blog post, I will explore the power of erotic hypnosis, examining how it works, what it can be used for, and how it can transform our relationship to our bodies, our desires, and our sexuality.

What is Erotic Hypnosis?

Erotic hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that is focused on sexual pleasure and arousal. It involves inducing a trance state in the person being hypnotised, which allows the hypnotist to access the subconscious mind and guide the individual through a range of experiences. These experiences can include relaxation, meditation, visualisation, and arousal, among others.

Erotic hypnosis can be used for a variety of purposes, from exploring sexual desires and fantasies to improving sexual function and performance. It can also be used to help individuals overcome sexual traumas (if used as a tool by an appropriately qualified therapist.  I want to reiterate that although it’s a potential use for erotic hypnosis, this specific example isn’t one that should be attempted by someone who is not appropriately qualified!), increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and enhance intimacy and connection in romantic relationships.

How Does Erotic Hypnosis Work?

Erotic hypnosis works by inducing a trance state in the person being hypnotised. This trance state is in summary characterised by a heightened state of self awareness and  suggestibility as well as a decreased awareness of the external environment. In this state, the subconscious mind is more open to suggestion and is more receptive to new ideas and experiences, as well as being more capable of implementing positive experiences and long term changes.

Once the person is in a trance state, the hypnotist can guide them through a range of experiences, using suggestions, imagery, and other hypnotic techniques to create a desired outcome. For example, the hypnotist might guide the individual through a visualisation exercise in which they imagine themselves experiencing intense sexual pleasure, or they might use suggestions to help the individual overcome sexual anxieties or inhibitions.  The specific techniques used will vary depending on the hypnotist (their preferred induction styles and level of experience) and the client they’re working with (everyone’s trance journey is unique and the hypnotists approach should reflect this and respond accordingly).  I’m giving highly simplified, superficial examples here – the idea is to give an overview, not an in-depth analysis on this occasion.

The Power of Erotic Hypnosis

Erotic hypnosis has the power to transform our relationship to our bodies, our desires, and our sexuality. By inducing a trance state and guiding us through a range of experiences, hypnotists can help us to overcome sexual anxieties and inhibitions, explore our deepest desires and fantasies, and experience a profound sense of pleasure and sensuality.

One of the most powerful aspects of erotic hypnosis is its ability to create a deep sense of connection and intimacy between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotised. Through the hypnotic process, the hypnotist can create a safe and supportive environment in which the individual can explore their sexuality without fear of judgement or shame. This can be particularly powerful for individuals who have experienced sexual traumas or who struggle with sexual anxieties or inhibitions.  As intimate as this sense of connection can be, in a professional context it is extra important to be clear about appropriate boundaries and resolutely enforcing them.  Failing to do so can cause more problems than it solves and isn’t helpful for either the hypnotist or the subject.  The the hypnotic relationship is between two individuals who are also in a romantic relationship, then obviously there is more flexibility with appropriate boundaries, but understanding the difference and reacting accordingly/appropriately is very important.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, erotic hypnosis can also be used to enhance sexual pleasure and arousal. By guiding individuals through a range of experiences, hypnotists can help them to achieve intense levels of arousal and orgasmic release. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with achieving orgasm or who have difficulty experiencing sexual pleasure.

The Risks and Limitations of Erotic Hypnosis

While erotic hypnosis can be a powerful tool for exploring and enhancing sexual pleasure and sensuality, it is important to be aware of its risks and limitations. One of the main risks of erotic hypnosis is that it can create false memories or beliefs, particularly if the person being hypnotised is susceptible to suggestion. This can be particularly problematic if the hypnotist is not properly trained or does not have the necessary ethical standards in place.  Obviously there may be times where the subject has expressed a desire to play with the concept of amnesia/false memories – this is perfectly okay as long as it’s done safely and with appropriate prior consent of the subject. If the hypnotist fails to act in a professional manner then this can potentially cause distress for the subject.

In addition, it is important to remember that not all individuals will be receptive to hypnosis or (much more likely) to the particular suggestions or techniques used by the hypnotist. While some individuals may experience profound transformation through hypnosis, others may find it ineffective or even uncomfortable.  This is why I am a firm believer in taking time to do appropriate research to find an experienced hypnotist who is suitable for you.  You can find experienced hypnotists, but just because they are experienced it doesn’t automatically mean they are right for you and will be able to offer you an effective trance experience.  Research may seem tedious/boring, but it will save a lot of time and problems in the long run!


Erotic hypnosis is a powerful tool for exploring and enhancing sexual pleasure and sensuality. By inducing a trance state and guiding individuals through a range of experiences, hypnotists can help individuals overcome sexual anxieties and inhibitions, explore their deepest desires and fantasies, and experience a profound sense of pleasure and connection.

However, it is important to approach erotic hypnosis with caution and to work with a trained and ethical hypnotist who can ensure that the process is safe and supportive. By being aware of the risks and limitations of erotic hypnosis, individuals can make informed decisions about whether or not to explore this powerful and transformative tool.

If you are interested in exploring erotic hypnosis, it is important to do your research and find a hypnotist who is properly trained and experienced in working with the themes, scenarios, interests, etc that you are looking to explore. Seek out hypnotists who are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for their clients.

In addition, be sure to discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your hypnotist before beginning the hypnosis process. This can help ensure that you feel comfortable and supported throughout the process and can help you get the most out of your experience.

Ultimately, the power of erotic hypnosis lies in its ability to help individuals connect with their bodies, their desires, and their sexuality in a profound and transformative way. By approaching this tool with care and respect, individuals can unlock new levels of pleasure, intimacy, and self-awareness, and can create a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship with themselves and their partners.

The Power of Non-Verbal Communication in Erotic Hypnosis: Exploring the Use of Touch, Eye Contact and Body Language

Whilst I offer live sessions over Skype and not in person, elements of non-verbal communication and observation and analysis of body language can and are still communicated over video. Beyond this, where in person sessions do occur the use of touch can also be incorporated into sessions.  I wanted to write a blog post which talks a little about these elements and how they are used in the realm of hypnosis and more specifically erotic hypnosis.

Erotic hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that is focused on enhancing sexual pleasure and arousal. While many people associate hypnosis with verbal suggestions and commands, non-verbal communication is also a powerful tool that can be used to create a deep sense of connection and intimacy between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized. This blog post will explore the power of non-verbal communication in erotic hypnosis and discuss how touch, eye contact, and body language can be used to enhance sexual pleasure and arousal.

Non-verbal communication refers to the use of body language, touch, and other non-verbal cues to convey information and create a sense of connection with another person. In erotic hypnosis, non-verbal communication is particularly important because it can help to create a safe and supportive environment in which the person being hypnotized can relax and feel comfortable exploring their sexual desires and fantasies.  As I mentioned at the start of this post, touch doesn’t apply to my sessions which are done remotely over video, but in a broader context of erotic hypnosis and in-person sessions touch can be a valuable tool which is why I have included it in this post.

The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication in Erotic Hypnosis

A powerful aspect of non-verbal communication in erotic hypnosis in-person sessions is touch. Although touch isn’t really relevant to my work, it is a powerful tool that can be used to create feelings of intimacy and connection between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized. Through touch, the hypnotist can communicate a sense of safety and support, which can help to create a relaxed and receptive state in the person being hypnotized.  It is important to remember that prior consent must be obtained before the session starts to allow the hypnotist to touch the subject.  Whilst many people are okay with being touched, some may not be. Also it’s just good manners to ask permission/forewarn people.  Typically if I am doing in person sessions with new clients then I would ask permission in advance and state under what circumstances and where I would potentially touch them. E.g. “Would it be okay if during our session I occasionally touched your hand/forearm/forehead/knee (could be one, could be multiple) to assist in deepening your trance and/or reinforcing triggers”. Depending on the situation I would also forewarn them when they’re in trance – for example by saying “in a moment I am going to lightly touch your right hand and when I do you will find yourself going even deeper into trance for me as a result”.  The exact wording used will be situation specific but I wanted to give you an idea of how the situation broadly plays out.

Another important aspect of non-verbal communication in erotic hypnosis is eye contact. Eye contact is a powerful way to establish a sense of connection and intimacy between two people. When the hypnotist maintains eye contact with the person being hypnotized, it can create a sense of trust and openness that can help to facilitate the hypnotic process.  I’ve found subjects also seek out eye contact with the hypnotist for reassurance.  If you (the hypnotist) are relaxed, calm and focused, you’ll convey this through eye contact and encourage the subject to feel the same.  Obviously eye contact shouldn’t be constant as that can have the opposite effect (can subconsciously signal unease, suspicion and/or aggression), but especially early in a session, checking in with short bursts of eye contact helps inspire confidence and connection.

Body language is also an important aspect of non-verbal communication in erotic hypnosis. The way the hypnotist carries themselves, the way they move, and the way they position their body can all communicate important information to the person being hypnotized. For example, if the hypnotist is slouching or appears disinterested, it may create a sense of discomfort or disconnection in the person being hypnotized. On the other hand, if the hypnotist appears confident and engaged, it can help to create a sense of safety and trust.  As a hypnotist I am also carefully monitoring the body language of my subject so I can ascertain how they’re feeling, what stage of trance they’re at, how receptive they are to my suggestions and which of my suggestions are or aren’t working effectively. I can then use this information to further tailor the session specifically to the individual I am working with to improve odds of success.

Using Non-Verbal Communication in Erotic Hypnosis

There are many ways in which non-verbal communication can be used to enhance sexual pleasure and arousal in erotic hypnosis. To summarise what I spoke about above, here are a few examples:

  1. Touch: Touch is a powerful way to create intimacy and connection between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized. The hypnotist may use touch to create a sense of safety and support, or to enhance feelings of sexual pleasure and arousal. For example, the hypnotist may use light touch to enhance sensitivity to physical sensations, or to create a sense of anticipation and excitement.  Achieving informed prior consent is of vital importance.
  2. Body language: Body language can communicate important information about the hypnotist’s mood, intentions, and level of engagement. The hypnotist may use confident and engaged body language to create a sense of safety and trust, or to enhance feelings of sexual excitement and arousal. The hypnotist will also monitor body language of the subject to allow for adjustments and tailoring of approach to ensure higher odds of success.


Potential Risks and Precautions

While non-verbal communication can be a powerful tool in erotic hypnosis, it is important to take precautions to minimize the risks involved. One potential risk of using touch, eye contact, and body language in erotic hypnosis is the possibility of creating a false sense of intimacy or connection between the hypnotist and the person being hypnotized. It is important to remember that the hypnotist is not a romantic or sexual partner, and to maintain appropriate boundaries at all times.

In addition, it is important to obtain informed consent from the person being hypnotized before using any form of non-verbal communication. I know I’ve touched on this earlier in the blog, but it’s important and worth emphasising again and expanding on it a little.  Seeking consent means explaining the risks and benefits of the hypnotic process, and giving the person being hypnotized the opportunity to ask questions and express any concerns they may have.  It also involved carefully explaining what the subject can expect so they understand what it is they’re potentially consenting to.

Finally, it is important to remember that not all forms of non-verbal communication will be appropriate or effective for every person. Everyone has different preferences and comfort levels when it comes to touch, eye contact, and body language, and it is important to respect these differences and adjust your approach accordingly.


Non-verbal communication is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance sexual pleasure and arousal in erotic hypnosis. Through use of non-verbal communication options such s touch, eye contact, and body language, the hypnotist can create a deep sense of connection and intimacy with the person being hypnotized, helping them to relax and explore their sexual desires and fantasies in a safe and supportive environment.

However, it is important to remember that non-verbal communication should be used with caution, and only with the informed consent of the person being hypnotized. By taking the necessary precautions and respecting individual differences and preferences, hypnotists can use non-verbal communication to create powerful and transformative hypnotic experiences for their clients. I know I certainly have a lot of fun with my sessions and the lovely feedback I receive from my clients suggest they thoroughly enjoy their sessions with me as well.

If you’re curious about enjoying a live session with me, be sure and check out the live sessions and testimonials pages on my site.

Breaking free from traditional inductions

If you train as a hypnotist, the odds are that you will be taught a number of specific inductions (methods a hypnotist can use to induce trance).  Typically these will include techniques like visualisation (encouraging the subject to visualise specific things), progressive relaxation (having the subject gradually relax every part of their body from head to toe, or toes to head), countdowns (counting the client down into trance) or a combination of these and similar.  In many instances hypnosis students are taught to simply read outloud pre-written scripts based upon the aforementioned ideas and in the worst case scenario never graduate beyond simply reading out scripts to clients (not going to lie – the thought alone of this makes me cringe).

Now – I am not here to belittle the techniques (except for “experienced” hypnotists reading to clients directly from scripts – that will always be wrong) as they definitely have their uses.  They provide a solid foundation for new hypnotists to build their craft upon.  They’re tried and tested techniques that work on a majority of individuals (though not all) when applied appropriately.  They can also be used (for those who are curious enough) to understand exactly how hypnosis works and precisely why these styles of inductions work so well for so many.

But rarely in my experience are hypnotists taught or encouraged to move beyond the basic inductions they’ve been taught.  As a hypnotist becomes more experienced they may tweak or adjust elements of these inductions, but it’s not common to see anyone break out, get creative and invent their own inductions.  I guess the thinking is stick to what you know works, and there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with that approach, but as I mentioned earlier, these tried and tested techniques don’t work on everyone so what do you do when faced with a client who doesn’t respond to the techniques you’ve been taught?  Many hypnotists will (wrongly) assume that the subject is bad/difficult to trance when this could not be further from the truth.  The limitation does not lie with the client. It lies with the hypnotist.

In order to be a truly successful hypnotist you must be able to adjust and adapt your approach to meet the needs of your client.  In many cases this can be achieved by tweaking the commonly used inductions you have been taught, but there is so much more potential with hypnosis for those who are adventurous enough to look beyond the horizons of their original teaching.

The question then becomes – how? How do you expand your hypnotic horizons and break away from the traditional inductions you’ve been taught.  Surely these specific techniques are taught and used for a reason?  Aren’t you risking failure if you stray from the tried and tested path and strike out on your own?  Well…yes.  But you’re also potentially achieving a great deal more understanding, success and achievements.

In terms of *how* one goes about breaking free from traditional inductions, I’m not going to lie – there is no easy way or shortcuts.  You need to invest time in furthering your learning by understanding the mechanics of how hypnosis works.  Inductions are techniques that utilise specific actions and package them in a useable way.  If you look beyond the induction and into exactly what underpins the induction and makes it work successfully, then you’re a long way to understanding the principles of hypnosis and the specific techniques that underpin the often successful inductions.

Once you understand the mechanics – how hypnosis works “under the hood” so to speak – then you can begin to build new frameworks/inductions of your own design based off the intrinsic principles of successful trance.  It’s a process.  You’re not going to be able to manage perfectly original and 100% successful inductions overnight.  What you will be able to do is begin to branch out from the more traditional inductions.  Perhaps change up some elements, experiment, throw in a few original ideas and incorporate them into inductions you know work.  Basically what you’re aiming for is to experiment and have fun.

If you try out an idea and it doesn’t go to plan, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed.  Quite the opposite.  You’ve learned something really important.  If your subject doesn’t trance, it’s not a problem. Not everyone responds to the same induction techniques.  But the more you experiment, the more you understand how to read people and get a better idea of what techniques are more likely to be successful.  This can be a matter of trial and error, but as long as you remain calm and professional it is not a disaster which cannot be overcome.  You simply pivot, explore different techniques and discover what works for your client.  The way you frame the experience (for instance explaining that everyone is different and responds differently and so you’re working out how best you can help them) and your attitude will have a much bigger impact than you assume.

The more you experiment, the more you learn.  The more you learn the more you understand.  And the more you understand, the more confident you will become in exploring more original aspects to inductions and eventually more original inductions themselves.

The key is to be confident and not allow yourself to be dissuaded when things don’t go to plan.  Everything is a learning experience and opportunity and the benefits of getting comfortable with breaking free from traditional inductions far outweigh the negatives.  As a hypnotist you’ll be far better placed to help your clients by tailoring inductions specifically to them and their needs rather than relying on generic inductions and as a result your sessions will be much more successful.  Trust me – I know.  I took this path and now excel at successfully trancing people who have previously struggled.  I’ve had multiple clients come to me after trying to trance for 20+ years (more than one was 40+ years) and because I’ve taken the time to explore and experiment, I have been able to successfully trance them where other hypnotists could not.

Breaking free from traditional inductions may not be quick or easy, but I promise you (as someone who has been a practising hypnotist for nigh on a decade now) it’s definitely worth it!

If you have any questions, please email me at

Want to book a session with me to experience what I have talked about first hand?  Check out the live sessions page here on my website