“Xenagogue” is the title of my latest file.  It’s also my first collaboration project and to say I am really excited about it is an understatement!

To date, I have written every single script for every file I’ve recorded, and whilst I have no plans to stop writing, I also like to push my boundaries and explore new possibilities.  One such opportunity came with a story a good friend of mine (me-chan) wrote.  Me-chan is an excellent writer and I have always admired his work, so I was excited when he shared a new story – Xenagogue – with me.

Reading through the story I couldn’t help but wonder what this amazing story would sound like if I recorded it.  It is amazing enough on paper (you can read it here) but would it work as a recording?  I experiment a lot – some stuff works, some doesn’t.  I am very selective about what I choose to share as I want you to be able to enjoy the absolute best I have to offer.  Recording this story would be something totally new to me, but I did it – and boy has it paid off!

I am really, really happy with how this file has turned out.  It was a challenge in some respects – for example I always record my files in a single take to maintain as much “authenticity” and continuity of a live session as I can.  It’s one of the reasons why my recordings tend to be shorter than average at around 15 minutes.  Xenagogue, however, is over 30 minutes long.  Recording in a single take for over 30 minutes was no mean feat but I feel it has really paid off.

The story flows beautifully and I’ve been able to put my own stamp on it.  It’s not me simply reading a story (beautifully written as it is).  It’s an opportunity I take to lead you on a journey – take you exactly when, where and how I want you and demonstrate to you how exquisite obedience can be.  After all, what’s not to love about that?

Find out more/purchase the recording

Read The original story by me-chan