by queenofdreams | Feb 23, 2021 | Hypnosis, Uncategorized
Hypnosis is an incredible tool. It can be used to accomplish all manner of things and its scope and potential should never be underestimated. As I regularly remind my clients, the only limit to what’s possible with hypnosis is your imagination. It’s a substantial claim, but one that I ceaselessly enjoy demonstrating.
Different people choose to explore hypnosis for different reasons. Some are curious about the trance experience in and of itself, whilst for others trance is a vehicle which they intend to utilise to explore other desires.
There is no right or wrong way to use/explore hypnosis, but for the purposes of this blog I am going to focus on the utilisation of hypnosis (yes I used an “s” and not a “z” – I’m British) for pleasure. Pleasure is, after all, a big draw for many (understandably) and it is also my specific area of expertise.
If you’ve paid careful attention to the homepage of my website you’ve probably noticed the tagline “I can make all your fantasies come true”. Many assume it’s simply a marketing ploy, but the reality is far more exciting. The reality is that I mean every word, as many of my clients have already discovered to their utter delight and after having successfully overcome their initial disbelief.
Pleasure is powerful. Inspirational. I’m sure you’ve felt that deep, intense craving for a particular kind of pleasure before, haven’t you? At times it sneaks up on you…at other times it speaks to a more enduring, aching longing…that need and desire for pleasure is always with us, and hypnosis offers a powerful means to fully explore the myriad of possibilities and opportunities that exist.
After all – pleasure means different things to different people. Yes, erotic pleasure is one very exquisite option, but there are others…the tranquil, blissful and serene sensation that comes with surrendering to trance (and is so often overlooked)…the pleasure that comes from being able to quieten an anxious mind and deeply relax a tense body…the options for indulgence are many and varied, as are the levels of intensity that can be explored and played with (ask me about my numbers triggers the next time you enjoy a session with me and you’ll see what I mean).
You can use hypnosis to explore familiar pleasures and discover new ones…to push boundaries and stretch your comfort zone and in doing so allow yourself to become open to a world of new possibilities. The anticipation and reward of new discoveries are in and of themselves pleasurable as well as the pleasure of the discoveries themselves.
Pleasure can be compounded in hypnosis…have you ever been able to explore what it feels like to enjoy multiple different yet simultaneous kinds of pleasure? Well, now you can. Now it can be your reality. Soft, gentle, intense, aching, decadent pleasure…all within your grasp when you trance. Who wouldn’t want that? Hmm?
But what if you’ve already tried to trance but struggled? Does this mean that you’re somehow cut off from the opportunity to indulge in the pleasures I have been talking about? Of course not! Many of my existing clients previously struggled to trance before they sought me out. Today they are my walking success stories and repeated proof that with the right guidance and understanding, almost anyone can achieve trance easily.
The key to success is finding a hypnotist whose style works well with your abilities (because you most certainly are able) and the willingness to invest in the opportunity. Some clients have found my mp3’s alone have worked for them, whereas for others success came after enjoying a live session with me. There is no right or wrong – only what works for you.
The journey toward exploring pleasure begins with a single step…take it.
My mp3 store:
Live sessions:
by queenofdreams | May 5, 2020 | Hypnosis, Uncategorized
There are innumerable myths and stories surrounding hypnosis. It’s perceived as somehow magical and mystical – a profound and yet somehow unknowable experience. Ideas like you can’t be tranced or will struggle with trance if you’re analytical (which is absolute nonsense); that hypnosis is like sleep (it’s not) or that you have to be lying down to achieve trance (you don’t) – just to give you some examples.
Most of these myths and preconceptions are harmless, but they can also affect you and your ability to trance, even if you don’t realise it or fully appreciate their impact.
If you go into the trance experience with the expectation that you are going to struggle or find it difficult then you’re suggesting to yourself that this is what you should and will experience. Your mind is incredibly powerful. It shapes your reality so if you prep it with negative ideas then these can very easily potentially translate into a negative reality.
Setting out with preconceived ideas of what trance is or how it should be/feel can also be counterproductive. Granted there is so much misinformation floating around (trance is sleep, etc) that it can be difficult not to pick up on common assertions/assumptions about hypnosis and how it works (1980s cartoons are also awash with “hypnosis” scenes) and assume that this is how hypnosis is supposed to play out. But if the reality doesn’t align with your expectations of what you feel trance “should” feel like then this can throw you off, make you doubt your experience and once again, sets you up for failure which is obviously not what we want!
Whilst it is important to learn about hypnosis so you can understand the experience and what to expect, it’s also important not to be led astray by the plethora of misleading information, assumptions and downright fiction that is floating around.
The problem is – if you know little to nothing about hypnosis (which isn’t a bad thing – everyone has to start somewhere) how do you separate the genuine information from the assumptions and misleading information that abounds? How do you ensure you’re giving yourself the best possible shot and not setting yourself up to fail by being misled by misconceptions?
You can take steps to ensure your success by making sure you critically evaluate the information you receive about hypnosis. What is the source? Is the source likely to be legitimate? Credible? (E.g. has the information come from an experienced hypnotist? How do you know they are experienced? A recommendation? Do you trust the person who made the recommendation?)
I know this seems like a lot of additional effort to go to – giving critical consideration to every piece of information – but doing so will pay dividends. You’ll be much better placed to understand what to expect which in turn will allow you to feel less nervous and more confident in your experience.
You can also try reaching out to experienced hypnotists with carefully thought out questions. Most experienced hypnotists will be happy to answer one or two simple questions but be mindful that you’re making use of their time/expertise so don’t be surprised if they request to be reimbursed – especially for more detailed questions/ more time taken up. Even if they don’t, it is polite to offer to show that you appreciate them sharing their knowledge with you. Especially as it is directly benefiting you.
At the end of the day, you can bolster your chances of success with trance by taking time to research and filter information. Knowledge is power after all. The more you know and understand, the less nervous and more comfortable and confident you will feel which in turn will allow for more success and opportunities with trancing.
Now – go forth, learn, and most importantly – have fun!
by queenofdreams | Dec 14, 2018 | Hypnosis, Uncategorized
If you’re new to the wonderful world of hypnosis, or if you have previously struggled to enjoy trance then it is perfectly understandable to feel a little nervous or apprehensive. After all – if you’ve not experienced something before then it can be difficult to know what to expect. There are also many misconceptions floating around which doesn’t help matters. Debunking the many misconceptions that exist is very valuable, however there are other simple steps you can take to make trancing easier:
- Communication – communicate fears/concerns to your hypnotist. A good hypnotist will be able to respond to all your queries and put your mind at ease.
- Choose a time to trance when you will be free from distractions. Turn off your phone or at least put it in “do not disturb” mode. Ensure that you’re not expecting any visitors and that you won’t be disturbed.
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes. Nothing tight or restrictive. Ensure you won’t feel too hot or too cold.
- Drink water regularly in the hours leading up to the time you intend to trance. Ensure you’re hydrated and not hungry (but don’t binge on sugary or high carb foods – proteins are your friend here. They keep you full but won’t “weigh you down” the way a carb heavy meal will, or mess with your energy levels the way sugar does).
- It helps to be relaxed, but it’s not necessary. Your body will relax, in its own time, when it needs to.
- If you’re naturally analytical, tell your hypnotist or enquire if they are comfortable and experienced in dealing with analytical subjects. Being analytical doesn’t make you a bad subject (quite the opposite) but it does require a different approach to ensure you enjoy the best possible experience.
- Know what to expect. This goes back to communication. Get the hypnotist to explain what it will happen, how it will feel, etc. This will reassure you and help you enjoy the experience without worrying about whether you’re doing it right.
- If you’re listening to mp3s rather than enjoying a live session, I’d recommend also just allowing yourself to listen. Be curious about it but hold no expectations. Analyse what’s being said if you want to. You already have a natural, inherent ability to enjoy trance so you don’t have to do anything other than allow that to manifest. In the meantime, instead of worrying if you’re doing things “right”, get comfortable and allow the hypnotists words and voice to flow…doesn’t matter if you’re consciously aware of them or not – your subconscious understands.
I hope you find these tips useful. If you have any tips you’d like to share, or any comments or questions please write them below.