5 simple tips for making trancing easier

Trance doesn’t have to be hard. Even if you’ve struggled to trance in the past it doesn’t mean that you are a “bad” or “difficult” subject (please run a mile from anyone who tries to tell you that you are!). We all learn in different ways which means that some techniques will work better on some people than on others. That doesn’t make some people better subjects than others – it simply highlights the fact that we all learn in different ways and that hypnotists should be aware of and respond to this fact (sadly many don’t and instead blame the subject. Such hypnotists are to be avoided at all costs!)


There are some simple things you can do to ensure that trancing becomes easier and ultimately more successful for you. I’ve shared some ideas below:


  • Research I know this sounds boring but I promise you that it pays dividends. The more you understand about hypnosis and what to expect, the better your experience will be. Just ensure that you are getting your information from legitimate sources.


  • Ask questions As above, the more you understand the more comfortable and confident you will feel. Asking questions doesn’t always mean asking the hypnotist, though. You can make a list of questions you have and research the answers yourself. Where you do reach out to a hypnotist for answers, if you are asking more than one or two basic questions then please consider paying the hypnotist for their time and expertise. After all, the information they are sharing ultimately benefits you!

  • Communicate If you have worries/concerns about anything, have ideas of what you want to achieve or things aren’t happening the way you expect, speak up! I mean, obviously be polite and respectful but never be afraid to speak up and share. Open, honest communication is vitally important. It will help you feel more comfortable and will help the hypnotist better understand what you need for trance to be successful. Communication also cuts both ways so make sure that the hypnotist is answering any questions you have thoroughly (though as mentioned above be mindful of the time and energy that they are investing into your questions).

  • Be gentle with yourself If things aren’t working the way you hope/expect it is easy to get frustrated. I get it. But I promise you that you are not a bad subject. You simply haven’t found the right induction technique to unlock your trance potential. Sometimes that takes time to achieve but I promise the persistence is worth it. In the meantime be gentle with yourself and celebrate even the small successes. It all counts.


  • Give to consideration to your trance environment Is your space relatively quiet? Are you comfortable and able to comfortably maintain the position you’re in? The position itself matters less than whether or not you’re comfortable. Can you ensure that you have privacy and won’t be disturbed? Have you made sure that you’re not too tired/mentally distracted by other things? It’s also worth having a glass of water to hand as trancing can be thirsty work.

The hypnosis experience can be a surprisingly intense one

The hypnosis experience can be a surprisingly intense one.  Immersive in ways it can be difficult to comprehend until you’ve lived it. Experienced it first hand. Being in trance….feeling and embracing the possibilities is incredible and transformative but such pleasures and the expansiveness of the experience can also be overwhelming. Especially if you’re also including additional emotional elements such as submission and/or realisation of additional fantasies and desires.

Hypnosis can take you by surprise. Its effects can feel temporarily overwhelming and that’s okay. This is why I always encourage open and honest communication as well as engaging in trance with a hypnotist you trust. Being able to talk through your feelings and emotions openly and honestly, confident in receiving reassurance and support is very important.

Engaging with someone you trust and feel safe with is grounding. It can help you navigate and cope with what can feel like a very vulnerable situation.  Your hypnotist should be an anchor. They should focus and ground you, offering a safe space to explore the infinite possibilities hypnosis offers. I appreciate the pull of the temptation to dive right in.  To abandon yourself to the experience. To completely give yourself a favor, no holds barred. The potential is intoxicating. possibilities are alluring and addictive. Once your mind and body get a taste what hypnosis feels like, it’s like a gateway drug.   You want more. You want to take the next step, to explore and discover and to drink in the new possibilities. That excitement and anticipation perfectly reasonable and understandable. I’ve been practicing hypnosis for years. I know exactly how potentially addictive  cassia can be. How exciting the possibilities are, and how easy it is to crave more.

It’’s for these reasons but I always recommend researching, taking time understand who it is it will be playing with your mind encouraging your explorations, guiding you in what can be one of the most pleasurable experiences that you will ever enjoy.  Because to be able to fully enjoy and appreciate the pleasure, you have to feel safe in the environment you’re exploring. This involves enabling and establishing a level of trust with the hypnotist you are working with, which in turn opens doors to even more incredible pleasure and possibility.  Once you trust them, once you understand they have your best interest at heart, you’re able to let go and embrace the experience of hypnosis in an entirely new and Incredibly powerful way.

Establishing trust and communication means it in those moments when you feel overwhelmed, when things just become too much, you are secure in the knowledge  that you can communicate any fears,worries or concerns these will be listened to and acknowledged by your hypnotist. they can reassure you, offer explanations and tailor your hypnotic experience to ensure that it is as beneficial and pleasurable as possible.