Are you a genuine submissive or a fetishist? Be honest.
An incredibly important, yet often overlooked aspect to enjoying erotic hypnosis involves giving careful and (arguably more importantly) honest consideration to what exactly it is you want to get out of the experience. You could be indulging in erotic hypnosis for any...
I am a hypnotist. I am also a human being.
The longer I’ve been involved in the hypno-kink scene (hypnoDomme, erotic hypnosis, etc) the more painfully aware I become of how some guys seem to become so absorbed in their own kink and desires that they forget that the person they’re dealing with is a living,...
How to Select a Suitable Hypnotist
Choosing the “right” hypnotist to work with is very subjective, but also incredibly important. It’s also often overlooked and/or not properly understood and its implications appropriately appreciated. It’s very easy (especially if you’re new to hypnosis) to get...
My 5 Favorite MP3’s right now
It’s been an interesting journey for me, hypnosis. For years it was a hobby until after 2 years of persuasion, a good friend friend encouraged me to go pro. I’ve been doing hypnosis full time for around a year now and it’s been such an incredible experience. The...
How do you hypnotise someone?
The possibilities when it comes to ways to hypnotise a person are nearly limitless. I know because I have a lot of fun creating new ways to trance people, as well as tailoring existing methods to better suit individuals I am working with. So in this blog I am going...
What Is Stopping You From Enjoying Trance?
There are many, many reasons why you may be struggling to enjoy trance. Fear, lack of confidence, over-confidence…there are a lot of possibilities and I am going to delve into a few of these below. This article is not intended to be exhaustive so, if after reading...
Humiliation Has No Place in the Fetish Scene
Humiliation has no place in the fetish scene. A bold and contentious statement if ever there was one. I’m sure there are Dom/mes and subs alike who would actively disagree with me on this front and argue that humiliation is fine and can be enjoyed. I disagree....
The Complex Concept of Submission: Starting a submissive journey
I firmly believe that a lot of people who have submissive tendencies (especially people not already accustomed to the BDSM/fetish scene) shy away from labeling themselves as submissive, or even indulging their submissive side because they disagree with the commonly...
Hands Free Orgasms and Hypnosis
Is it possible to utilise hypnosis to enjoy hands free orgasms? The short answer is yes, definitely (check out the videos here for evidence) Ending there, however, wouldn’t make for a particularly interesting or informative so as I get asked about...
2018 New Year Musings
2018 is finally here...a new year with new opportunities and no doubt obstacles to overcome. I must admit I’ve been pretty introspective the last few weeks, thinking about what I’ve achieved already and what I want to achieve moving forward. It’s coming up for 2...
Working with people who are deemed to be “hard to hypnotise”
I’ve developed somewhat of a reputation as being a “go to” hypnotist for people who’ve previously struggled to trance. Some of the wonderful clients who I have had the pleasure of working with have been trying for many, many years (I think the record so far is 20) to...
Signposting the trance experience
If you’re setting out on a new journey and you aren’t exactly sure where you’re going, but you like to think that it’s a journey you’ll be making with relative frequency from now on as the destination sounds pretty exciting, then would you rather make this journey...
VIDEO: Skype Session Orgasm Trigger
Hands-free orgasms are like the holy grail of erotic hypnosis. Many dream of them and a fair proportion assume it's simply a fantasy. Well, let me make your fantasy a reality. I regularly use orgasm triggers and they work exceptionally well. Don't believe me? ...
VIDEO: Triggers in Skype Session
So, the first video I shared from a Skype session with a wonderful client of mine has proved to be exceptionally popular. I think it's an excellent way for you to have an insight into the experience of live Skype sessions and what to expect. Part of any session with...
Why don’t my blog posts have sound effects?
This question gets asked from time to time so I figured I would address it in a blog post. I know that many hypnotists incorporate sound effects in their recordings such as background/whisper tracks, binaural beats, etc. Different effects can have different...
“Phenomenal Woman” – a poem by Maya Angelou
I don't know if you've ever heard of Maya Angelou - if you haven't, I recommend researching her. A phenomenal and inspirational woman. I've recorded one of her poems as a tribute to her and in recognition of her inspiration to all about how powerful women are. ...
Discovering Obedience
I wrote (and later recorded - see below) this piece not particularly as a trance experience (though if you fall into trance enjoying it, rock on my friend!) but more as a musing on definitions of dominance and submission and how safely engage with and navigate what...
HypnoDommes vs. Erotic Hypnosis
The concept of erotic hypnosis is still a relatively niche one, and not as of yet particularly well developed. It’s growing, for sure, but there are still grey areas where delineations are somewhat blurred. The differentiation between what constitutes a hypnoDomme...
Eclipse Of The Mind
So the eclipse happening today (21st August 2017) has been in the news (certainly in the US) a good deal recently. It sparked an interesting conversation between myself and a dear friend about the parallels between eclipses and hypnosis and to that end we both...
What makes a good hypnosis subject
Okay – this is a question I get asked a lot in various different ways. For example: what makes a good trance subject? How do you know someone is a good trance subject? What do you look for in a trance subject? (and various other iterations). I know how I would...
Understanding Hypnosis: Getting to grips with the basics
Hypnotic trance can be an absolutely amazing experience but there are many people who struggle to understand and/or enjoy hypnosis to its full potential. After all, the hypnosis community is growing steadily, but the reality is that at present it remains a relatively...
A moment of randomness: Indulging in fantasies
I do worry sometimes that humanity and reason are too easily cast aside when certain people indulge in fantasy. I mean, there’s nothing inherently wrong with enjoying a fantasy - quite the opposite - but sometimes it does come at the expensive of the object of that...
Oblivion (recording) Explanation
Hey guys... So - this audio (below) was meant to be on the product page for my new file, Oblivion, but unfortunately technical difficulties have meant that isn't possible right now. The below is a short explanation which goes into a little more detail about this...
I have some new ideas – what do you think?
Hey guys (and gals) So - I've had an idea which I am rather excited about but want to run past you all for feedback. I'm thinking of doing some podcasts (sort of audio blog posts) but would like to know what you guys would like covered in terms of topics. Do you...
Wondering where I’ve been? Now you know…
Okay guys - I know I've been pretty quiet these last few weeks and I'm sorry. I got called upon last minute to dog/house sit for my folks for a few weeks whilst they jetted off on holiday. I assumed (wrongly as it turns out) that it wouldn't be a massive impediment,...
What does it mean to be submissive?
Okay...this is going to be an interesting one for me to write as I myself do not identify as submissive. But, I already wrote a blog post entitled "What does it mean to be Dominant?" so I felt it was only fair to attempt to address the balance. In view of my...
What does it mean to be “Dominant”? this has been on my mind for a while. How do you define being Dominant (or submissive for that matter, but that's for another post!)? I appreciate that it's a rather delicate and subjective topic, but I've never been one to shy away from exploring ideas. ...
Just for the record – analytical people making amazing hypnosis subjects!
There seems to be (for some reason I have yet to fathom) an enduring assumption that analytical people are somehow “difficult” to trance. I have spoken to so many people who say to me “oh, I’m analytical - I can’t be hypnotised”. Usually it has because they have...
Xenagogue: A New Journey
"Xenagogue" is the title of my latest file. It's also my first collaboration project and to say I am really excited about it is an understatement! To date, I have written every single script for every file I've recorded, and whilst I have no plans to stop writing, I...
Why did I choose hypnosis?
I think to explain what I want to and how I want to, I need to start from the beginning, as it were. I've had a passing awareness/vague interest in hypnosis for as long as I can remember - I thought it was interesting, but hadn't paid much attention to how it actually...
What’s it like to hypnotise someone?
Hypnosis is a very subjective experience. Because trance is so personal, it’s as unique as each individual’s perception of reality. Yes, we can all agree on some shared aspects - the focus, the pleasure...but the experience itself - that is purely your own. In the...
Hypno Journey: Part 1
This is the first part in what I hope will be a's intended to be a source of information predominantly for those new to the scene. It's a work in progress, but hopefully you're able to find something useful to take away. Please remember this is a...
I’m not dead – I promise
I know I've been very quiet the last few months and I apologise. Life has thrown me more than a few curveballs and I've been focusing on pushing through those. The result, however, is that my involvement in hypnosis has lessened and this is something I am aiming to...
Getting Back On Track
Well folks...I know it's been a while but I am slowly getting back in the swing of things. 2016 has been somewhat of a crazy year so far and that has meant that I haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I would have liked to pursing my passion (hypnosis) but I...
Thinking about a Skype session with me?
Thinking about experiencing a Skype hypnosis session, but still a little unsure? Well, there's no need...the below video should give you an (albeit brief) introduction to me and my style. If you have any questions, as always, I'd love to hear from you so just drop...
Think you can’t be tranced in under 5 mins? Think Again!
Imagine is a short recording at just over 4 minutes long, but it packs one hell of a punch. It hits you hard, drops you deep and is dangerously effective at luring you into a blissful state of trance. This recording also has the additional benefit of super-charging...
She walks in beauty like the night….
Just because I feel like it, love poetry and want to share a favorite just with you. Enjoy 🙂 p.s. quality is not perfect, I admit, but my voice is still audible and enjoyable. When I have an opportunity I will re-record.
The Importance of Trust in Hypnosis
The Importance of Trust in Hypnosis Trust is a key issue in hypnosis. Taking the time to cultivate a solid relationship with a hypnotist based upon mutual understanding, trust and confidence is worth its weight in gold. Trance is, after all, not a binary state....
Seeing as how the seasons are changing and the transition to autumn is well underway, I felt that this was an appropriate poem to share with you all...enjoy!
A Little Insight Into Me
Disclaimer: Before you start reading please bear in mind that when i started writing, the article below was not the article I had intended to write...what you see below is simply the result of free-flowing inspiration, borne of a desire to share with you what I do,...
A Philosophical Discourse On The Subjective Nature of Trance
Millions of people around the world have enjoyed experiencing hypnotic trance. The interesting thing (and the part that makes it so hard to quantify) is that by its very nature, the experience is subjective. The way you experience trance may be different to the way...
Glittering-minded deathless Aphrodite
‘Glittering-Minded deathless Aphrodite’ Glittering-Minded deathless Aphrodite, I beg you, Zeus’s daughter, weaver of snares, Don’t shatter my heart with fierce Pain, goddess, But come now, if ever before You heard my voice, far off, and listened, And left your...
Come To Me Here From Crete – Sappho
It’s no secret that I love words…poetry in particular. That’s why you will likely find that, from time to time, as well as sharing hypnosis recordings, I will also choose to share poems I enjoy with you. To me they have their own special hypnotic quality – the...
Self Hypnosis: A Brief Introduction
Whilst a lot of people are aware that they can be (potentially) hypnotised by somebody else, there appears to be a more limited awareness around self-hypnosis. With self-hypnosis, you are able to effectively train yourself to achieve trance without the requirement of...
Stop Acting Small…
Read moreThis blog is intended to be a companion to that journey and I would love for you to be a part of that. An opportunity for me to share thoughts and ideas as well as news, information and special offers. To receive feedback about what you love so that I can deliver services which excite and inspire you.
A New Journey
Hello and welcome! If you’ve just arrived and are looking to explore, may I suggest checking out the About Me and My Voice and Style pages to allow you to orient yourself. Thank you for joining me on what promises to be a very exciting journey. I have been involved...